
How Bitumen Roof Sheeting Works: The Science Behind Its Waterproofing Properties

Hardwearing, versatile, lightweight and flexible are just a few words that you could use to describe bitumen sheeting. However, one of the most appealing and intriguing properties of bitumen sheeting is in its waterproof construction that is realised through

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The Best Way To Prevent Condensation On Polycarbonate Roofs

As autumn shifts into winter, condensation will begin to accumulate on many surfaces, including your roof sheets. Polycarbonate sheeting is particularly susceptible to condensation build-up, and right now you may start to see those hollow flutes and chambers

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What Is The Lifespan Of Galvanised Metal Roof Sheeting?

There are roof sheeting options for every budget and individual project requirement, but if you're looking for sheer durability and longevity, there's nothing that rivals galvanised steel roof sheeting.

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The Advantages & Disadvantages Of Polycarbonate Roof Sheets

Polycarbonate is a roof sheeting all-rounder for professional builders and DIY-ers alike. This super-strong and versatile thermoplastic material is manufactured from twinwall or multiwall layers of polycarbonate sheet with a series of channels that form rigid

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What Are The Most Affordable Roofing Sheets Out There?

Some roofing jobs have high-level aesthetic requirements, while others demand unmatched durability. But - for many - the budget of an upcoming roof sheeting project will be a central factor in your purchasing proclivities.

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What Are The Best Types Of Screws For All Roof Sheeting?

Whether you're installing a polycarbonate or a PVC corrugated roof, a metal or bitumen roof structure, you'll need the correct screws to make the fitting and fixing process as straightforward as possible. Choosing the correct screws will also ensure that your

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